i just read the anime ban petition post and i was wondering if you think certain people should have a limited amout of things they can discuss like if you had a card and then it had topics on it that you could talk about and these topics would be added if you had actually learned something about the subject like most people here know anime good enough to somewhat discuss it and have some idea about what they are talking about.
I know this is harsh but my real question is would it really be that bad and yes i know it would defeat free speech but do you think it would drive people to learn more?
Also would it stop most of the confusion in the world and miscommunication.
like im not saying you need to go to college for this or anything but i mean read up on it for a half hour or an hour and like if it was golf at least watch it on tv or if it were computers at least be willing to learn before making huge moral comments about whatever your speaking about.
I know that petition was a joke but to be honest it just as easily could of been a real petition so yeah....
Im really kinda afraid thats all im saying
P.S. this isn't supposed to be offensive i was just going along the same lines as don't vote unless you know the issues sorta deal
Well, it would be better if people research before making statements but you can't forbid them to talk and punish them if they do (well, you can but I wouldn't want that). Also, alot of people learn new things while discussing something. You can't be an expert on everything you talk about, thats part of the fun of conversation.
Anyway, people choose for themselfs what to discuss and what not, that should not be bound by rules. There are already enough rules we have to listen to. But if you want to know what kind of world that would be like than take a look at North Korea. They can't talk about lots of things over there.
yes people should know excactly what they are talking about before they join in on a discussion, its kind of like that age old saying "children should be seen, and not heard" i use this saying to illastrate that if you dont know what your talking about no one cares what your oppinions are, but instead we will just smile and nod our heads.
It still wouldn't make them change their minds... If it was about anime and they went off to learn about it with the view that its bad already in their head they would come across lots of examples that support that (sick hentai etc)... Knowing more doesnt mean understanding more.
I love the idea, but you need to make it more like the game bullshit. If some one starts spewing crap, you ask to see their card. If the current topic isnt listed, they get a fine and you get a dollar.
People wouldn?t listen anyways, It would be nice to have conversations that could be seriously discussed w/o someone make crap up to support their biased claims, but it won?t happen. As it would pertain to this site, and forums in general, if there is a topic and I don?t know anything about it, then I don?t post. However, if there is a topic and I know a little bit about it, then I?ll say what I know and won?t try to bluff my way through it. All you can do is govern yourself the best you can and not worry about what other people choose to do since it is out of your control.
The question you should ask yourself to help awnser your question is. Say a government makes up some law that might drasticly effect something in your life you took for granted, and you didn't understand the law or why it was put into effect. Would you be mad if you were dismissed by the govenment because they though you didn't understand government. Trial and error is how we learn. Just because we may not know something doesent mean that we can't learn from interaction with people or orginizations you don't understand fully.
I agree people should understand something before they make some bias ignorant claim. People should listen or ask questions to learn about the subject before they speak yeah that is very true. But the problem with a lot of subjects is that they refuse to close their mouth and open their eyes and mind. If someone does have one idea stuck in their head it is hard if not impossible to change their mind a lot of the time because they will naturally look for some excuse, some reason to ignore what is said.
Mantis you are correct about trial and error I am sure a lot of people have learned from that. To be simple mankind has gotten everything through trial and error knowledge takes time but people refuse to accept that fact and seem to refuse to accept anything but their own ego driven biased opinions. It?s sad and pathetic that people are that way but it won?t change anytime soon. If someone doesn?t want to deal with anime for example they don?t have to they can just do whatever possible to ignore it and learn to keep their mouths shut. But I don?t see that happening anytime soon?
What I'm going to say is not necessarily off topic, but still in this kind of contest.
For example, I think if people get fat because they choose to eat at McDonalds and KFC, they should shut the hell up and accept responsibility. And if a guy who doesn't even have custody of his own daughter trying to make a big deal out of God in the peldge, he should shut up too.
you can't really stop people from speaking whats on their minds. if its nonsense, then ignore it.
I believe people have the right to speak what's on their minds the same way I have the right to disagree with them. Stoping them from speaking about certain subjects wouldn't help that much because quite often it's not a matter of knowing what your talking about but a matter of how you perceive the information you have. I mean, here we all love anime so we're bound to speak highly of it. However, it's possible for a person to know anime well enough to talk about it and still not like it, therefore that person's opinion of it will be a negative one. Besides, if a person talks about something without knowing anything about it that person will simply look ridiculous.
Gemini Wrote:you can't really stop people from speaking whats on their minds. if its nonsense, then ignore it.
simple but effective...well sometimes its impossible to ignore...so just punch their lights out

Many countries are fighting for the very right you look to limit. That is the wonderful thing about rights. It is something bestowed upon birth. Unlike I don't know driving. Driving is a privliage, not a right. It is something that has to be earned not givien. It also can be taken away. Voting and free speech while not rights in some countries thank are fore fathers they sought to ensure you and I get that right.
Look people say dumb and inresponsable things, but they don't seem (so) dumb when you don't even get to say them.
i know i already expressed my opinion in this thread, but the post above mine got me to think patriotically, so to quote Abraham Lincon "It is better to sit and be thought a fool, then to speak and be proven out right.".
see thats the thing im not saying free speech is bad or anything like that but what i am saying is if you want to go on about how you think murder is completely right in whatever case or if you want to say there should be no pledge of alligence in schools or whatever be my guest as long as you have done research and know what you are talking about.
im all for free speech but also you must understand that when they refer to free speech it is for people who have sought out what they thing is correct and they have spent the time to build their case.
im not saying free speech is bad im just saying you should only be able to use it when it may actually benifit someone.