do you think people should have certain speaking rights
The way that I see it is, lets say you could stop people from talking crap, or there was some law or something, who would judge what was and wasn't ok?. Let me explain, lets say you think you know a lot about "Anime X", and you probably do, now lets say someone comes in who knows MORE than you about it or has more up to date info, now if they start talking and you deem that they do not know what they are talking about because what you know as truth conflicts with what they know, so you silence them. But in this case Party B was the correct one and in the right seeing as Party B knew more than Party A.

So now, what if Party B stops Party A (You) from speaking because they know more than you, but you still know alot, how would you like that?. Basically what I'm trying to say from that is that everything is based on our own perspectives so what we percieve as talking crap may actually be the fact or a well informed opinion that we are just not aware of or did not know, so it is impossible to judge who is and isn't talking crap and therefore impossible to silence them. Especially considering there is no criteria for who judges what is and isn't you because you think you know better than the other person?

I'll just let people (including myself) ponder that one for a while...
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do you think people should have certain speaking rights - by Ryujin - 02-10-2005, 05:52 AM

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