do you think people should have certain speaking rights
There's alot of confliction in the right of free speech. As mentioned before there's racism which is also forbidden by the bill of right's (and conflicts with free speech) and the freedom of religion recently started to conflict with free speech (look at Guantanamo bay and some of the US new laws).

In my country freedom of speech is very important but the law against racism is more important. So you can say what you want as long as it doesn't conflict with the law against racism.

What's fucked up is the press and the way they decide the important topics. I really started to hate most press in the last couple of years. They make scandals over stuff nobody would normally care about. Probably the best example is the OJ case and since then the press have grabbed every oportunity to expose scandals no matter the consequences. We've had alot of scandals with our royal family lately it was all just blown up by the press. They keep showing it and nobody would care if they didn't hype it so much. Another thing is we have a slight 'problem' in our country that we get alot of people from poor countries such as Turkey and Morocco who come here to earn money and work. You can compare the group with the Latino's in the US with the same problems. Now for an extreme example if a murder is commited by one of them its all over the news for a couple of days, if that murder is done by a native resident than it won't even be mentioned. That's what I mean with the press decides the topics and they have to much influence in how we think (not many positive thought about foreign workers over here, almost bordering racism sometimes). I see that happening with so many topics nowadays and I'm not even talking about the gossip magazines going on about who cheated on who. Makes me sick.

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do you think people should have certain speaking rights - by Elcoholic - 02-10-2005, 03:31 AM

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