do you think people should have certain speaking rights
i think a persons rights are a good thing but i also think people take them way to far. It's just like the phrase just because you can do something it doesen't mean you should. i guess i was just saying it's crazy to let people start up these huge debates about things they have know idea about in an age where in a half hour you could be decently educated on the facts with just a trip to the library or a internet connection.

I think the only way for us to really utalize our rights is to put other people in front of us. if i wanted to go say how much i have black people (which i don't) but if i did shouldn't i be treating them the way i want to be treated.

It's not even so much a tolerance issue as it is a decent human issue.

IF i really did think black people were inferior i would say something like...... I know that i am better then a black person is and i have done my research on crime and blah blah blah whatever but it's too bad i wish they were equal to me (crime was a steriotype and in no way do i think anyone of a different color is inferior to me) but yeah you get the point. You can be wrong in my eyes and still place a well done argument for your side and im cool with that. Just please know what your talking about or don't talk at all.

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do you think people should have certain speaking rights - by Cyrus - 02-09-2005, 08:03 PM

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