Favorite and Most Hated Final Fantasy Character.
Auron is my boy. That dude has to be of the coolest and most badass MFer?s out of all of the games. Until I played X, I would have said Squall, but Auron is him with out all the bad stuff that Squall entailed (he was kinda a prick and had a vague purpose; it actually seemed unnecessary to have him as main character with the exception of the relationship with Rinoa). Also, Auron?s whole purpose in FFX was to bring them to Zanarkand and let them choose to deny that fake, half-assed, "I'll just let fate carry me away" way to defeat sin. He was a fate defyer, and I have always thought fate and destiny was bullshit.

As for most hated, Yufie. That F?ing C*** steals your matiera and you have to go through all that BS to get it back, I wasn?t digging FFVII anyway and almost quite at that point.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
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Favorite and Most Hated Final Fantasy Character. - by Blight - 02-07-2005, 07:38 AM

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