02-06-2005, 06:51 PM
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02-06-2005, 07:46 PM
If we are going with playable characters, Id say either Cecil (FF4) or Auron (FFX) as my favorite and my leaset favorite being Wakka. If we are going with overall, Id say my favorite is Sephiroth and once again my least favorite is Wakka.
02-06-2005, 08:30 PM
Favorite is Sephiroth and most hated is anyone from 10...
02-06-2005, 08:34 PM
Favorite character is probably either Cloud or Squall. Seifer was pretty cool until he went completely nuts.
Least favorite character is that stupid things that eats everything in FF9. Never even bothered remembering its name. Eika or Eiko or however the little girl in ff9 is was pretty annoying too.
Least favorite character is that stupid things that eats everything in FF9. Never even bothered remembering its name. Eika or Eiko or however the little girl in ff9 is was pretty annoying too.
02-06-2005, 09:42 PM
Hmm thats a toughie, almost any of the male protagonists from FF VII, especially Barret
since I wish I was black, are my favorites. As for most hated character probably Squall
from FF VIII or the Goku like character from IX. I mean every protagonist from VII is
everything I'm not, handsome, suave, badass,and know how to fight. Plus they get all the
girls. As for Sephiroth, yeah hes cool, but he is kind of like a demented mama's boy. I
mean hes always talking about his mother Jenova. That doesn't change the fact that he's
still badass though. Still hate him for killing Aeris though. Made me want to kick his butt so
since I wish I was black, are my favorites. As for most hated character probably Squall
from FF VIII or the Goku like character from IX. I mean every protagonist from VII is
everything I'm not, handsome, suave, badass,and know how to fight. Plus they get all the
girls. As for Sephiroth, yeah hes cool, but he is kind of like a demented mama's boy. I
mean hes always talking about his mother Jenova. That doesn't change the fact that he's
still badass though. Still hate him for killing Aeris though. Made me want to kick his butt so
02-06-2005, 10:49 PM
my fav is probly Laguna from FF8, as for my most HATED would be a toss up from Zidine from 9, a thief as a main charactor is worthless, everyone was far more powerfull than that damn monkey, and Kimahri from 10, i know he looks cool and all, but his "thing" is that he can go either the path of the warrior, or a mage, and he sucks either way.
02-06-2005, 11:06 PM
You wish you were black? You really wanna be M.C. Hammer don't you.....
02-06-2005, 11:49 PM
Hmmmmmmmm, favorite would have to be Cid, hes just so cool.
I didnt really hate any of em, but I guess ill go with Squall, I loved the game, but he was one of the worst main characters.
I didnt really hate any of em, but I guess ill go with Squall, I loved the game, but he was one of the worst main characters.
02-07-2005, 02:05 AM
02-07-2005, 02:32 AM
Cidien Wrote:You wish you were black? You really wanna be M.C. Hammer don't you.....
Why yes I do, either him or Mr. T would be cool. Why? Did you think I was kidding?
02-07-2005, 05:15 AM
seymore was pretty cool story wise but out of playable characters i really like Auron or maybe cloud cus cloud is really cool. though i would have to say if it wasn't final fantasy probally chrono from chrono trigger. but im kinda biased
02-07-2005, 07:38 AM
Auron is my boy. That dude has to be of the coolest and most badass MFer?s out of all of the games. Until I played X, I would have said Squall, but Auron is him with out all the bad stuff that Squall entailed (he was kinda a prick and had a vague purpose; it actually seemed unnecessary to have him as main character with the exception of the relationship with Rinoa). Also, Auron?s whole purpose in FFX was to bring them to Zanarkand and let them choose to deny that fake, half-assed, "I'll just let fate carry me away" way to defeat sin. He was a fate defyer, and I have always thought fate and destiny was bullshit.
As for most hated, Yufie. That F?ing C*** steals your matiera and you have to go through all that BS to get it back, I wasn?t digging FFVII anyway and almost quite at that point.
As for most hated, Yufie. That F?ing C*** steals your matiera and you have to go through all that BS to get it back, I wasn?t digging FFVII anyway and almost quite at that point.
02-07-2005, 09:32 AM
Favorite: Locke(Final Fantasy VI) least favorite: Any character in a Final Fantasy game after VI, but if I had to choose one, it would be that motherfucker Cloud, man what a bland character, it was like they stop putting heart into characters after 6.
02-07-2005, 09:42 AM
evilomar Wrote:Favorite: Locke(Final Fantasy VI) least favorite: Any character in a Final Fantasy game after VI, but if I had to choose one, it would be that motherfucker Cloud, man what a bland character, it was like they stop putting heart into characters after 6.
Cloud huh; well I only got one thing to say. PREACH IT BROTHER!!!

02-07-2005, 10:14 AM
Blight Wrote:Cloud huh; well I only got one thing to say. PREACH IT BROTHER!!!I hated that delusional F'er.
Hey leave Cloud alone!! Why is it soo popular to bash on Cloud. Besides he had the
problem of finding out he was a clone of Zack. He had so many problems to sort out after
that, poor guy. In some ways he almost reminds me of myself. Except for the clone part
that is.
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