Favorite and Most Hated Final Fantasy Character.
Hmm thats a toughie, almost any of the male protagonists from FF VII, especially Barret

since I wish I was black, are my favorites. As for most hated character probably Squall

from FF VIII or the Goku like character from IX. I mean every protagonist from VII is

everything I'm not, handsome, suave, badass,and know how to fight. Plus they get all the

girls. As for Sephiroth, yeah hes cool, but he is kind of like a demented mama's boy. I

mean hes always talking about his mother Jenova. That doesn't change the fact that he's

still badass though. Still hate him for killing Aeris though. Made me want to kick his butt so

[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn

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Favorite and Most Hated Final Fantasy Character. - by Ryo of Inferno - 02-06-2005, 09:42 PM

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