Eureka 7 (new anime)
Yeah most games based on shows or movies suck. they just arent done right. they dont use characters right or stay true to the show or movie. Square-Enix made the last FMA game they did an ok job its just missing something. i hope that at least the game for this series turns out well and also the one for The Mars Daybreak.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE



Messages In This Thread
Eureka 7 (new anime) - by Last Exile - 02-02-2005, 06:35 PM
Eureka 7 (new anime) - by desfunk - 02-02-2005, 09:27 PM
Eureka 7 (new anime) - by Last Exile - 02-02-2005, 09:37 PM
Eureka 7 (new anime) - by Lionheart - 02-02-2005, 09:58 PM
Eureka 7 (new anime) - by Last Exile - 02-04-2005, 01:25 AM
Eureka 7 (new anime) - by desfunk - 02-04-2005, 10:28 AM
Eureka 7 (new anime) - by Peter - 02-04-2005, 02:52 PM
Eureka 7 (new anime) - by onizuka17711 - 02-04-2005, 08:55 PM
Eureka 7 (new anime) - by Jalek - 02-04-2005, 10:00 PM
Eureka 7 (new anime) - by Last Exile - 02-05-2005, 12:53 AM
Eureka 7 (new anime) - by desfunk - 02-06-2005, 09:27 AM
Eureka 7 (new anime) - by Last Exile - 02-06-2005, 12:08 PM

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