do you think people should have certain speaking rights
I agree people should understand something before they make some bias ignorant claim. People should listen or ask questions to learn about the subject before they speak yeah that is very true. But the problem with a lot of subjects is that they refuse to close their mouth and open their eyes and mind. If someone does have one idea stuck in their head it is hard if not impossible to change their mind a lot of the time because they will naturally look for some excuse, some reason to ignore what is said.

Mantis you are correct about trial and error I am sure a lot of people have learned from that. To be simple mankind has gotten everything through trial and error knowledge takes time but people refuse to accept that fact and seem to refuse to accept anything but their own ego driven biased opinions. It?s sad and pathetic that people are that way but it won?t change anytime soon. If someone doesn?t want to deal with anime for example they don?t have to they can just do whatever possible to ignore it and learn to keep their mouths shut. But I don?t see that happening anytime soon?
[Image: IA.jpg]

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do you think people should have certain speaking rights - by Puppet Master - 02-04-2005, 07:40 AM

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