Really dumb questions out of know where.
OK, in almost any anime I?ve seen, someone always get a nosebleed cause they see something sexual. Is this supposed to be an exaggeration of something that really happens? I don?t know of anyone getting a nose bleed from see a chick naked of anything stupid like that so where the hell did this come from?

Question two. This one is a little weird. OK, I?ve noticed in a couple of anime that their seems to be a tendency to, how should I put it, keep it in the family. These are non-hentai titles. Also, I have seen this in a few video games, most notably, FF X-2. Brother is disgusting and F?ed up. Of course when you switch to the hentia side of things, it gets weirder. The whole siblings screwing thing is just wrong. But hentai is for pervs (like me) so goes its namesake. So, does anyone know what the deal is on that?
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
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Really dumb questions out of know where. - by Blight - 01-23-2005, 06:58 PM

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