Wow im glad to hear that you like New zealand scenery.Its kinda just normal to me.
While Tauranga is a very nice city and all its not really my scene.I like having everything a small city like this has to offer but im a fairly shy person (something i definitly need to get over) and having so many people around when all you want to do is goto the beach is a little anoying.Especially when im from the far north of new zealand and we have surf beaches up there that are just as nice but you will be lucky to see more than a few people there if any at all.Its quite different to what im used to.Believe it or not but ive only steped onto that beach once in the whole time ive been living here.Thats ........ 2 years now.I guess ive just never had a reason to.As any good length of time i have off work is spent up north fishing I suppose its kind of strange for someone like me that loves the sea and has spent alot of time on boats to not spend more time at the beach. Plus working in the restraunt summer is the busiest time of year.Especially for the next month working six days (70 hours this week).Yay more money for anime .So the bulk of my free time is in winter.Which by your guys standards is probably quite warm, its cold to me.So its fishing.Which is a shame because my scuba gear hasnt been used practicly since i bought it.
Thats certainly off topic.
Anyway heres a few more pictures im sure you will like.My fathers boat.On which i spend alot of time fishing ,smaller sport fish in winter and game fish in summer (mainly after marlin)
And the other pic i took off of the front of my fathers house which is a picture of houhora harbour where i grew up.
While Tauranga is a very nice city and all its not really my scene.I like having everything a small city like this has to offer but im a fairly shy person (something i definitly need to get over) and having so many people around when all you want to do is goto the beach is a little anoying.Especially when im from the far north of new zealand and we have surf beaches up there that are just as nice but you will be lucky to see more than a few people there if any at all.Its quite different to what im used to.Believe it or not but ive only steped onto that beach once in the whole time ive been living here.Thats ........ 2 years now.I guess ive just never had a reason to.As any good length of time i have off work is spent up north fishing I suppose its kind of strange for someone like me that loves the sea and has spent alot of time on boats to not spend more time at the beach. Plus working in the restraunt summer is the busiest time of year.Especially for the next month working six days (70 hours this week).Yay more money for anime .So the bulk of my free time is in winter.Which by your guys standards is probably quite warm, its cold to me.So its fishing.Which is a shame because my scuba gear hasnt been used practicly since i bought it.
Thats certainly off topic.
Anyway heres a few more pictures im sure you will like.My fathers boat.On which i spend alot of time fishing ,smaller sport fish in winter and game fish in summer (mainly after marlin)
And the other pic i took off of the front of my fathers house which is a picture of houhora harbour where i grew up.
masamune arcade..........still in development