12-21-2004, 02:30 PM
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Homosexuality will never become popular because it's got nothing to do with popularity. What you said is absurd! Do you think most people are heterosexuals just because it's popular? So what you're trying to say is that you like women simply because it's what people usually do, not because you're genuinely attracted to them! Also, you don't have to see animals being gay, they are! In reality animals are bisexual, they mate with both animals of the same sex and of the opposite sex. Most people have heard that dolphins of the same sex mate with each other, it's a very well known case but the truth is that in Nature this happens very often. Animals' instinct forces them to procreate to perpetuate the species, the gene pool, but that doesn't stop them from displaying homosexual behaviour as well. The same thing goes for human beings. Many gay people want to have children and many go as far as having sex with a person of the opposite sex just to have a child. Their instinct to procreate is at work here even though they are sexually attracted to people of the same sex and even though they are human beings who therefore have the capacity to go against that instinct. Being gay doesn't go against nature, quite the opposite. What is going against nature anyway? Nature is in continuous evolution. Did you know you are a mutant? That we're all mutants? That's how animals (humans included) evolve. You have one species but then a mutation is born and that mutation survives the sorrounding environment better and in time it becomes the majority and it is therefore the next step in that species evolution. That's how we and the monkeys appeared. We don't descend from the monkeys. We both descend from the same animal, we're kind of like cousins. In that species two types of mutations appeared one that led to us and another that led to the monkeys. So you see you can't really say that something goes against Nature because what you consider today as being against Nature might be the norm in the future. For someone who thinks religion is a bunch of fairy tales you sure share its view of things.
Sorry for the double post but I just have too give you my opinion.
Homosexuality will never become popular because it's got nothing to do with popularity. What you said is absurd
No it is logical.
Do you think most people are heterosexuals just because it's popular?
If everyone else was gay then no I wouldn't become gay. But if my parents were gay then yes I owuld probably be gay also.
So what you're trying to say is that you like women simply because it's what people usually do
I like women because it's Natural! If I didn't we wouldn't have much of a race left.
Also, you don't have to see animals being gay, they are! In reality animals are bisexual
You just contradicted yourself!
The same thing goes for human beings. Many gay people want to have children and many go as far as having sex with a person of the opposite sex just to have a child.
Then they are no longer gay but bisexual. If being hetrosexual (it's spelled wrong isn't it?) and having sex with a man (or woman.) makes you gay then being gay and having sex with a woman (or guy whatever) makes you at least bisexual!
Being gay doesn't go against nature, quite the opposite. What is going against nature anyway?
I don't know what going aganist nature nor did I pertend to speak for nature I simply said that nature might think of it as a crime.
Did you know you are a mutant?
I knew that a longggggggggggggggg time ago.
So you see you can't really say that something goes against Nature because what you consider today as being against Nature might be the norm in the future.
I won't repeat myself.
For someone who thinks religion is a bunch of fairy tales you sure share its view of things.
First Religion (the bible. The old genesies you know before Jebus?) basically hates gays (or so bible bashers would construde it) The word Sodemised (spelled wrong) Comes from the bible city Sodem and Goamorea (I don't care if it's spelled wrong!!!!!!!). I don't hate homosexuals but I don't want to see two gay men having sex on TV do you?