Hello! hope you will be my friend - This is my mini autoBio
True_Believer Wrote:Hello there friends ^_^ sorry ive not been able to post in a while. i've been busy at the moment trying to cheer myself up but its goin abit haywire im gaining weight. damn icecream and choclate (every womans best friend in times like theses Wink aswell as anime).

Actually, whenever I'm depressed I just want to sleep. It works wonders for me! The last time I had a huge depression (back when I was 15) I spent the whole summer in bed. :p

True_Believer Wrote:my mind frame is very edgy and jumpy and abit depressed at the moment but i should be able to cope.ive missed alot of things lately and tried to join a club but ended up locking myself in my room. somehow ive placed myself under house arrest i just dont feel like getting up anymore and doing things, i wish i could be myself again at times

im just so insecure, i was thinking of posting a picture but not sure probably wont wish i could get rid of my chubiness so am thinkin of joiing a gym if i can muster up the courage Big Grin i still dont know what aesthetics he see'd in me and it hurts as he is so beautiful. i did look through that picture thread and most of you guys are kawaii Big Grin and we do have pretty girls aswell. Big Grin

You know, joining a gym is a very good idea. Psychiatrists nowadays tell their depressed patients to workout because while you exercise your brain releases a bunch of hormones (Endorphins) into your blood stream. Those hormones make people feel better, happier, prettier, which is why they're know as the Hormones of Happiness. So you see, working out will help you out with your depression and will at the same time make you lose weight which in turn will make you feel less insecure. I speak from experience, I was never fat but working out made me feel much better about myself.

True_Believer Wrote:i was thinking of posting a picture but not sure probably wont

I know how you feel, it was kind of hard for me to post a picture. I must be the least photogenic person in the world, I always look terrible, yet I decided to post a picture just for the sake of it because I think it's nice to see how everybody looks like.

True_Believer Wrote:well hello there and yep im here but not very regular. i really like GTO very funny but yet to read the manga

You should come here more often, everybody's nice and we have a lot of fun, well, at least I do. Big Grin
You're from France, right? I'm asking because your name's Michele (a French name) and from what you wrote I can tell you live in Europe. GTO's manga is published in France by Pika Editions, you should pick it up, it's one of the best manga I've ever read.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]

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Hello! hope you will be my friend - This is my mini autoBio - by Andromeda18_ - 11-28-2004, 01:05 PM

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