Sony warns of major glitch in Holiday 2004 Demo Disc
Im Passing on the word:


Over the past few weeks, members of the PlayStation Underground--Sony's US fan club--have been receiving copies of the Holiday 2004 Demo Disc. One of the premier demos on the disc was for Viewtiful Joe 2, which arrives on the console December 7.

Unfortunately, gamers eager to sample the cel-shaded beat-'em-up were in for a very nasty surprise. That's because the demo contained a glitch which will erase all saved games on the memory card or cards currently inserted in the console. Considering many PlayStation 2 owners are currently shooting their way through Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, which takes at least 40 hours to finish, the glitch sparked an uproar among PlayStation Underground members.

This week, Sony acknowledged the glitch via a mass e-mail to PlayStation Underground members. Besides conveying the corporation's "sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused," the e-mail also suggested that gamers "please remove your Memory Card(s) from your PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system before you load the Holiday 2004 Demo Disc."

a Sony rep clarified the situation, saying "gamers can play anything else on that disc except Viewtiful Joe 2." Said rep also stated that a new, glitch-free batch of discs is currently being mailed out to all PlayStation Underground members--minus the Viewtiful Joe 2 demo. "VJ2 code will be removed from all new discs," said the rep.


Im so glad i didnt play mine yet i would of freaked out i have played GTA : SA for like 27 hours and i would of killed Sony. so if you get one remove your memory cards.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE



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Sony warns of major glitch in Holiday 2004 Demo Disc - by Last Exile - 11-24-2004, 08:22 PM

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