Hello! hope you will be my friend - This is my mini autoBio
oh and an extra special thanks to Andromeda_18, Blight and Ryo of Inferno ^_^

i just love him so much...or care for him not quite sure what love is yet..never had it this bad for anyone else though Sad
i can be so possesive or intense at times but hardly anyone se hat side of me because i keep it hidden. i know its not healthy but if i give up i will regret it always. i know im someone that no matter how much they try can lose themselves in regret and what ifs at times.
and i can see how why he like me..but it hurts to see that there is no physical element or that its poor. im just scared that one day he may just find someone with the physical and emtional element. but i just cant help rembering the email he sent a couple of months ago inwhich he said i might be the one and in his gut he feels like we are meant to be in the long run. that and his oming to visit me even though it was a bit bumpy has intensified what i feel. i cant even fully pin on what exactly it is about him that has got me so bad. and ive stopped readin his emails.i know its so very bad and i cant believe i actually have read someone elses let alone his emails, theres no defending it bt sometimes i dont feel like myself and insecurity and lowness takes over.

and trying to move on which i do contemplate at times feels so impossible at times. i hardly can talk to boy let alone ask them on dates or anything.im insecure but can b confident but not when it comes to me. i know i will probably remain single for ever i have nothing to go and meet people with but im trying. and thank you all

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Hello! hope you will be my friend - This is my mini autoBio - by True_Believer - 11-23-2004, 08:38 AM

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