Hello! hope you will be my friend - This is my mini autoBio
I read it all as well. There are a couple of things I?d like to say, but I?ll start with Howdy and greetings! Big Grin

I?ve already been through the a-hole, fuck and run stage of my manhood (actually I consider myself still in my ?boyhood? at that time because I matured to get out of it, but whatever), and I got over it by the time I was16. Now all I really want is a steady adult relationship. You will never find an intimate meaningful relationship if you base your decision on looks. This would be the best support I can find for him liking you when prettier girls are available to him; he doesn?t just want a physical relationship. Unfortunately, if the guy says that he doesn?t like sex he is a liar. I?ll agree that it can ruin a good relationship, especially if the girl is a virgin, (I?ll never make that mistake again Sad ) but to say you don?t like it is almost assuredly not true.

I hate to say it, but it does sound like he is messing with you, and it really pisses me off. :mad: Why should it piss me off? Because I?ve been messed with by girls and I see guys screw with girls heads and it always hurts. Been cheated on twice; really sucks. Sad But for you, it may not be all that bad. You need to get out there and experience more of the dating scene. I remember the first time I thought I had found ?the one?. It was my second girlfriend and I didn?t know what the hell I was thinking; I just didn?t know enough. Getting more experience in this area will be crucial for your future. You need to put yourself out there more and not be afraid of rejection and have more self-confidence (I?m not really one to talk but?). I?m not saying take my word as though I?m preaching the gospel, but do be careful not to get yourself hurt.

Lastly, this board can be one of the best places to build up social skills and become a more open person, but you need to remember that a lot of what you say is almost completely anonymous and removes the pressure that the real world can put on you. That said don?t be afraid to call me a new friend, and I?m sure there are a lot of other people that would say the same thing, even if they are really lazy. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe

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Hello! hope you will be my friend - This is my mini autoBio - by Blight - 11-21-2004, 04:41 PM

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