Hello! hope you will be my friend - This is my mini autoBio
Whoa!!! I lost attention after the first paragraph. Basically, all I got to say is, if you want to be friends, post a pic. And then we'll decide. Although, if you don't have any friends in real life and all that, I doubt I'm gonna want to see the pic. Or you can mail me money and buy my friendship So to summarize - you're too longwinded for me. But there are nice people like Andromeda on here who might actually read through your entire post.

Andromeda18_ Wrote:1- We women are all alike, we all think we're uglier and fatter than we really are, we think the girl next to us is always prettier. You need to love yourself more.

That's because alot of them are ugly and fat. Just because you're in shape doesn't mean the majority of women or men are.

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Hello! hope you will be my friend - This is my mini autoBio - by Vicious - 11-21-2004, 04:21 PM

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