Hello! hope you will be my friend - This is my mini autoBio
Hi Michele! Welcome to the forums.
I actually managed to read your entire post and I have a few things to say.

1- We women are all alike, we all think we're uglier and fatter than we really are, we think the girl next to us is always prettier. You need to love yourself more.
2- Long distance relationships don't usually work. Especially if you didn't already have a strong relationship when you were together. You said it yourself, he doesn't feel the same way you do, so I honestly think you're just hurting yourself by keeping this up.
3-Reading his (or anybody's) emails is something you really shouldn't do. It's a terrible thing to do!
4- I honestly think that boy is playing with you, this relationship isn't healthy for either of you. It seems to me you're obsessed with him.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]

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Hello! hope you will be my friend - This is my mini autoBio - by Andromeda18_ - 11-21-2004, 02:16 PM

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