11-13-2004, 07:39 AM
Vicious Wrote:MI is being released in the US right now on DVD. The 4th boxset was just released, so they are exactly halfway through it right now. Only 48 more eps to go.
Is there release dates for the second half yet? I think it will take alot longer for the second half of the series due to there bieng no dub for it (Godai is going to be changed isnt he? Damn that'll sound weird). The series is THE greatest anime ever if you ask me... I prefer older anime than newer stuff and allways have. Urusei Yatsura is a favorite of mine aswell. I've got SO many old VHS of MI and UY. Just preordered the Korean release of Future Boy Conan from yesasia. I love that! Thats good old school anime!