10-30-2004, 04:01 PM
Wow, just happens that I saw 'Stolen Honor' last night! A gentleman was showing that and FarenHYPE 9/11 as a free double feature. While I was watching 'Stolen Honor' I was thinking about this whole 'Kerry is a traitor' stuff and Cidien's comments. Regardless of what anyone thinks, there are in this film 7 POW's who all very much think Kerry is a traitor. And I am sure they are in the position to make that judgement. It was pretty interesting.
The FarenHYPE 9/11 was also interesting. I haven't seen Moore's film, but nonetheless if he did what they said he did, then he has a lot of explaining to do about the fabrications and out and out lies and such that he put in his film.
The most impressive and at the same time angering piece of information I learned was that France had been promised (written promisary notes) from Sadaam Hussein that they would get the 'best' oil fields and 10,000 or so barrels at $10 a pop once the sanctions against Iraq were lifted. So, basically, France is NO WAY going to support our war in Iraq if they have their own oil interest. It is so funny how other countries and critics say it is all about oil for the US. But, the fact is is that many many countries care a lot about oil. France is not supporting us because of their desire for oil. It really made me doubt all this media crap that said we were there just for oil. We weren't. The way I see it we were there to stop a dictator, and we did just that. Yet, none on the left will mention that. They also fail to mention anything about the Kurdish people that HATED Sadaam and now are a free and happy people thanks to us.
Anyway, that is just what I saw. Believe it or not. I already was in the mind set to agree with it and it just made my convictions more solid.
I do plan on watching Moore's film, just because I want to get a picture of both sides, even though I already think very little of Moore. That being said, I also think that if people have seen Moore's film, they should check out FarenHYPE 9/11, just to see things from the other angle. There were interviews with people who Moore had used in his film and they were very upset that he did use them and that he twisted their words, as well as other documented errors with the information Moore used in his film.
The FarenHYPE 9/11 was also interesting. I haven't seen Moore's film, but nonetheless if he did what they said he did, then he has a lot of explaining to do about the fabrications and out and out lies and such that he put in his film.
The most impressive and at the same time angering piece of information I learned was that France had been promised (written promisary notes) from Sadaam Hussein that they would get the 'best' oil fields and 10,000 or so barrels at $10 a pop once the sanctions against Iraq were lifted. So, basically, France is NO WAY going to support our war in Iraq if they have their own oil interest. It is so funny how other countries and critics say it is all about oil for the US. But, the fact is is that many many countries care a lot about oil. France is not supporting us because of their desire for oil. It really made me doubt all this media crap that said we were there just for oil. We weren't. The way I see it we were there to stop a dictator, and we did just that. Yet, none on the left will mention that. They also fail to mention anything about the Kurdish people that HATED Sadaam and now are a free and happy people thanks to us.
Anyway, that is just what I saw. Believe it or not. I already was in the mind set to agree with it and it just made my convictions more solid.
I do plan on watching Moore's film, just because I want to get a picture of both sides, even though I already think very little of Moore. That being said, I also think that if people have seen Moore's film, they should check out FarenHYPE 9/11, just to see things from the other angle. There were interviews with people who Moore had used in his film and they were very upset that he did use them and that he twisted their words, as well as other documented errors with the information Moore used in his film.