I have a question, are people that stupid?
Zagatto Wrote:My friends here in Canada do a fair amount of travelling down to the US for tournaments and we've made a bit of a game of spreading disinformation to Americans just for fun.

One of my favourites is telling people about snow ants. It makes sense that with people down south having fire ants that we should have snow ants. If they believe that then we start talking about how they mate and create steam ants. It's all a lot of fun.

Then there are the moose hatcheries... and the polar bear hunts in downtown Toronto... and... and... and...

That is so great. We had some canadians come to my high school when I was a junior, not sure why, but we had to interview them for French Class. They anwsered all my questions far to seriously, if they anwsered like you it would have been far more interesting. I asked about moose, they failed to mention the hatcheries though.

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I have a question, are people that stupid? - by WandererX12 - 10-28-2004, 07:36 AM

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