What makes an anime club fun and interesting?
If you have a club at a college, and they activities board is expecting you to do somthing for the school, I would suggest a DDR party. We needed to draw attention to the club, and prove that we are good for more than sitting in our meeting room making noise and pissing off public safety. So we borrowed a projector and some speakers from the AV people, hooked them up to a PS2 with some soft pads and a copy of DDR Max in the student center. We had alot of people standing around watching, a few brave enough to get up and try, and the Student Activities Board loved us because we everyone was paying attention to us and haveing fun. Instead of sitting around doing nothing but waiting untill class. The event ran 3 hours extra, untill the AV people needed to get the equipment back so they could go home.

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What makes an anime club fun and interesting? - by WandererX12 - 10-27-2004, 05:27 PM

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