What are the diferences between the 2 Manga Int. "Beserk"?
There is a scene missing from the so called english perfect version. I own both copies and can say that the laser disc copy is much better. The subtitles a much more accurate on the laserdisc version in terms of what the people are actually saying versus the supped up american enhanced (made for the menatally impared) version. Also the part that I'm refering that was was the part when griffth was in his cell after he'd been trotured for a year, and he looks towards the wall. In the r1 version from the wall it skips a scene where these worm looking things come out of the wall and tell griffth that their waiting for him and then he drifts into thhe weird demon space where. They cut that scene out of the r1 version. I don't know why they cut it because (in the r1 version) when griffth actully gets to the demon reealm for real he has a quick memory flash of the deleted scene. It doesn't make sense in the r1 version but it makes sense in the laser disc copy. Again another example of a product that america changes becasue they feel that it would be better for us that way.
It's all about the love Wink

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What are the diferences between the 2 Manga Int. "Beserk"? - by buffgod - 09-19-2004, 11:48 AM

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