Naruto and Initial D similarities
I've been really enjoying Naruto with my wife for the past few weeks and it was this morning while laying in bed that I realized I enjoy Naruto for a lot of the same reasons I really enjoyed Initial D.

Both series have a very simple protaganist as a main character. By that I mean neither one of them is ever scheming some sinister plot. They both live in the moment and deal with situations around them rather than manipulating things. The biggest difference is that the first season of Initial D deals with Takumi coming to terms with what it is that he wants while Naruto knows from the start that he wants people to acknowledge him and is striving to be the best ninja.

The biggest similarity between the shows is the overall structure with some set up happening then a fight (race) that lasts for multiple episodes. It's during this fight (race) that the most development seems to happen in the characters. This can make the fight (race) seem to drag on if all you want to see is a fight (race) but if you're paying attention the development taking place with the characters is a real joy to witness.

I've got to get to work now... does anyone else see any other similarities between these two semmingly different shows? Are there other series that have this sort of development that are worth watching?
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Messages In This Thread
Naruto and Initial D similarities - by Zagatto - 09-01-2004, 04:44 AM
Naruto and Initial D similarities - by Cidien - 09-01-2004, 07:05 AM
Naruto and Initial D similarities - by Vicious - 09-01-2004, 07:49 AM
Naruto and Initial D similarities - by Robojack - 09-01-2004, 08:50 AM

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