08-11-2004, 04:02 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Animeshop
And Morgorath I understand what you are saying, I just needed to know what exactly goes through a soldiers mind about certain things.
Just to show I understand you. I am a history major that is what i am getting my degree in. I know about the history of Muslims and Egypt. In your country you follow the best form of the reiligious practices that are taught in the Q'uran. Egypt and Jordan are always being used as modles of how Middle Eastern coutries.
What goes through are minds. Well it is tough. We know there are many peole here that are glad we came. But there are a few that are made as hell because they had it good under Saddam's rule. I gave a t-shirt to a young Iraq because his was torn and tartered. I can not say I am glad that I personally am here. I am glad for the good we are doing.
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!