I watched The Stepford Wives yesterday and found the movie's theme very intriguing. Do men really want women like that? Women that... well, behave like robots? My boyfriend said he wouldn't like to have a wife like that. He also said that in his opinion no man in the world (at least the western world) under 40 wants a wife like that. I personally disagree. I bet there are still many men out there that would love to have a woman like that.
So I was wondering what you guys think. Would you like to be married to a woman like that?
Euu Blondes, Brunettes are way hotter:p I think that robot sevants are cool but, not robot ladies. Monotone voices scare me. Oh crap I gotta go I'll finish this later.
Of course all men aren't like that (like Walter) it' s just in that case, the men at Stepford were so overshadowed and driven that that IS what they wanted.
I found the movie incredibly interesting, and already bought the novel and watched the original (which blew). I can't wait to buy it as soon as it comes out on DVD.
in the original they were aliens(i think?), and the main character turns into one of them at the end - don't know about this one yet, as still haven't seen it - so no telling
seen i,robot - pretty cool movie, will smith sang a show here in london on wednesday for the premier- i was there and it was really cool

i heard bout that. Hes suppost to be making a music comeback.
Well for me.. I would have to say no. WHy and Vicious I am not lying. Here is the reason, I was in Japan for almost 3 years.I had the chance to get a wife that would be an almost robot. Japanese women are non-asertive and obey almost anything a man says. I turned it down then and took on a Caliy girl who doesn't let any one boss her around except her mommy...
Except my mommy huh... Well I don't let her boss me around per say I just tell my dad stuff that I would never let utter out of my mouth to my mom..... anyways my mom is a religous freak sometimes and morg if she knew half the stuff I did she would literally disown me... and then where would I be then......anyways I am glad that I can still taik to one of my parents.... my dad and he is the best..... And this whole stepford wives thing I never saw the movie but I really seeriously doubt that anybody would want a robot wife (sticks out tongue)

Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
Well for me.. I would have to say no. WHy and Vicious I am not lying.
You don't have to tell me. I would say no to. There's absolutely no challenge to it if they heed your every beck and call. Not to mention that that would quickly get boring.
But even if you personally don't want a wife like that don't you agree there are men out there who'd just love to have one?
We're talking about women that are theoretically good looking, always look their best, have big breasts, gladly do all sorts of house chores, have sex with their husbands whenever they want (no headaches :p), and do everything their husbands ask them to do without questioning it. I firmly believe that for some men these women are ideal.
Quote:Originally posted by animeshop
in the original they were aliens(i think?), and the main character turns into one of them at the end - don't know about this one yet, as still haven't seen it - so no telling 
No, in the original movie they were robots too. I'm not quite sure about the ending (where there was two Joanna's) but they were robots.
Remember in the remake how Joanna and Walter go beneath that chamber, and the next scene you see if Joanna (apparently changed) shopping so perfectly, all stepford-ed up? That's where the book ended. No conclusion like the movie, nothing at all. It ends with Joanna being turned into one of them, then no more! It drove me crazy. The ending of the Stepford Wives movie was pretty much added on.
Look I am not saying i wouldn't mind having one, but I couldn't just have one. I would have to have a real wife and that would end up being the maid. Hey I would be all 1900's stuff... have a wife, and a woman that does all the cleaning, taking care of things, follows my orders with no lip and sex on the side... Hey where can i order one of those...lol
I've dated a number of women and the ones that wanted to do ANYTHING they could to please me always kind of weirded me out a bit.
I like to be able to get away from time to time and be myself.
I also like living with a woman who has a good sense of who she is and enjoys doing things on her own.
From time to time I do have day dreams about these fantasy ladies that fulfill every wish for their man but after having lived the reality of it I prefer to have a woman with a mind of her own.
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
We're talking about women that are theoretically good looking, always look their best, have big breasts, gladly do all sorts of house chores, have sex with their husbands whenever they want (no headaches :p), and do everything their husbands ask them to do without questioning it. I firmly believe that for some men these women are ideal.
You mean there are women like that in real life? All natural without silicons in any part of the bodies?
I know that there are beautiful women around BUT one who absolutely obeys the husband 100%?
If they really existed, I won't mind having a dull wife such as them!
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
You mean there are women like that in real life? All natural without silicons in any part of the bodies?
I know that there are beautiful women around BUT one who absolutely obeys the husband 100%?
If they really existed, I won't mind having a dull wife such as them!
I don't think nowadays there are women like that. You can either get a good looking, big breasted woman (and yes, there are women like that without sillicone), or a perfect housewife but I don't think you can find everything in one single woman. That's why in the movie they're robots.
Oh, and thank you for proving my point. There really are men that would like to have a woman like that!
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
There really are men that would like to have a woman like that!
I think Japschin's a woman.
But I agree with you, I bet there are guys out there that wouldn't care about having a wife who thinks for herself as long as she's cleaning, cooking, and obeying everything he says, like maybe some guys in Saudi Arabia or India.