07-26-2004, 05:42 AM
Quote:Originally posted by rarnom
I am sorry if I offended you, it wasn't my intention. This thread is all about having a sense of humor about the hobbies we partake in and the type of people that typically are into them. By saying something is nerdy doesn't mean it is 'stupid' by any means. This all comes from a conversation my friends and I were having and how we noticed that typical video game fans are much less nerdy than anime fans, and there was like a food chain of nerdiness from minor nerdiness to extreme nerdiness.
Rarnom you didn't offend me, not one bit. If I gave you that impression then it was by mistake. You know, I totally look like a dumb blond, high heels, tight clothes, hyper-short mini skirts, etc, and I know that the first thing people think when they see me is that I have nothing in my head but air. However, that's not at all how I am and I don't get offended just because people think that of me. I was a bit pissed about this whole subject because I think people shouldn't be labeled like that. Where I live there's no such thing as jocks and cheerleaders and the popular people at school and the unpopular. People are people and they stand out more or less based on their personality even if they're the ugliest people on earth. So because I'm not used to that kind of social stratification I see it as an injustice and I can't stand injustice.