07-09-2004, 01:00 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
Is this a RANT?
Go to general babble.
In here you RANT RANT RANT!!!!
wah wah... I miss beer...
Whoops, I don't miss beer. I should have been more clear... I don't even drink. *Suprise* I drink OJ and everyone picks on me about it the whole night. I don't mind cuz I just love the games... So this is a rave. I love playing Shoulders and seeing everyone fumble up the rules. But my favorite game is Cups... Everyone has a couple of ounces in their cup.. You drink it, and try to toss your cup face down. Then the next person on your team goes.. whichever team finishes first wins. It's a lot of fun.
I haven't even heard of any anime drinking games. That sounds like something you might really need to think about. Yeah, I'd like to play some of those.