Wing Gundam Zero Custom Perfect Grade 1/60th scale

I'm not sure how much modelling experience you have. The Perfect Grade kits are NOT for the faint of heart. Here's a REVIEW of a few different kits. Note that in the review of the PG Zaku II he talks about spending 2.5 hours assembling just the head. This guy is an experienced kit builder and it took 2.5 hours for the head alone.

From what I've heard and read about building the PG kits, the detail is astonishing. If you like the design of the mecha that you're building, you will be very satisfied with the end result. Be prepared to spend a LONG time working on it to make sure you do a good job on all those little details.

As for US$160 being a bit expensive, I find that's pretty much in line with what you should find a PG kit for in a retail store. You can get them for a little bit less at some of the online stores but then you get dinged for shipping and you have to wait. Personally, I like to get together with a bunch of friends and order stuff from TOY EAST from time to time. They charge a flat rate of $30 for shipping and have enough cool toys at great prices that everybody finds something they want. $30 is a lot to pay for shipping on just one item though.
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Wing Gundam Zero Custom Perfect Grade 1/60th scale - by Zagatto - 06-12-2004, 04:12 AM

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