Ghost In the Shell Standalone Complex/ NGE Uncut
man, and i thought i was pushing it with the minor flaming i was

anyway, a little comentary, not meant to upset anyone:

thinders, yes, you are a newbie to this board, however, that does not make you any less responsible for following the rules. and these guys have been posting here forever and are well known in this community. since you are new, showing a little more respect to these folks may make your stay here more enjoyable.

vicious, the dumbass comment was a bit immature and underhanded, and i believe this "flame war" was started by that because you shifted the argument from his ideas and actions to his being. and the NBA thing is kind of a cop out, but we can let it slide, i know i wouldnt be able to do ANYTHING well while watching NFL playoffs.

kakomu, you probably shouldnt talk to anyone about being humble, you came across rather "holier than thou" in your post. dont try to remove the splinter in thinders eye when you have a log in yours.

i guess i had to join the fray sometime, cant resist forever.

Look, maybe you just saw a one headed monkey carrying two watermelons.

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Ghost In the Shell Standalone Complex/ NGE Uncut - by Vile - 05-27-2004, 12:52 PM

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