Ghost In the Shell Standalone Complex/ NGE Uncut
Nope, I won't make any long, drawn out responses for your dumb ass to try and comprehend.

This is sad:
"...go by American spellings, since I live in the US and US basically makes all the rules. "

That?s all I have to say. You are pathetic, living in a bubble, believing that the US makes all the rules.

Oh, and It really is funny that this is making you angry because I?m entertained.

Yes, I do live in Canada, that?s to your north if you're lost by any chance. Stop believing you live in the only country on the planet; there are others, with populations that are thankfully more intelligent than you.

And by the way, who exactly are people like me. Oh yeah, I forgot, it?s that chunk of the population specifically designated as those who are similar to Mathew.

Oh, I would really love to see you try and punch me. It would be the pinnacle of entertainment.

I will no longer respond to this thread. I made no mistake, and stand by that, and you are pitiful at arguing. I?m really scared too; your sidekick Rav96 will probably be hot on my tail with insults.

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Ghost In the Shell Standalone Complex/ NGE Uncut - by Thinders - 05-26-2004, 07:16 PM

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