The Legend Of Zelda (Prepare Yourself For This))
Well I have to go with you on your thought line Prophet... It seams that Nintendo would like to have it both ways. And while some games may have hit that point at where most people ask "Where can it go from here?" Example being Mario Sunshine and Mario Kart. You can't do a lot for MK except make it online. The two person racing aspect is great but getting enough people to play on one tv or 2 tv hooked together never seems to work. (I did here at the firestaion but we are stucked with each other all day) And MS felt like playing M64 which was good and a let down at the same time.

But then look at L:HM a new direction in the Mario games but highlighted Lugui instead because they feared people wouldn't like Mario in that role. They tried a simliar thing with Star Fox but I feel the game would have been better if it had been the bird from the series or another c\harcter instead of Fox. And there biggest gamble paid off huge in Metriod Prime it was time for an upto date Metriod and the delivered with a game that felt like Metriod and played like a dream but at the same time the released Metriod Fusion old style play to show that hey we know what you loved and we give it to you while expanding for the future.

I feel Zelda is going the same route. Hell if Castlevina is perfect example of a title that everytime it does 3d it get's less than what it should and when it go back to the GBA and it's the best stuff ever...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!

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The Legend Of Zelda (Prepare Yourself For This)) - by morgorath - 05-14-2004, 02:07 PM

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