Come Join The Dragon Ball Bashing Party
Quote:Originally posted by Last Exile
ive tried to sit down and watch it and i cant take it ! its boring and stupid every thing is the same all they dso is fight short little people ! serieously they should put out dragon ball M (midjet) cause thats all it is the charactrers are terriable and just the design is bad just thinking about it makes my head hurt. if you like it and this hurts your feelings get over it i dont like the same stuff as you and well the world is open to free though.

take it or get out !


I think your (and others) problem is that you try to watch it after you've seen alot of other animes. For me and I believe alot of the other "fans" of DBZ it was the first anime that grabbed me and didn't let go. It was the first anime that kept you awake when something exciting happened in the episide of that day and you hated waiting another 24 hours for the next ep. Sure it dragged on but when watching it for the first time you got just enough info in that filler ep. to keep you on the edge of your seat the next day. It's fucking genious how the creator got all these fans with the kind of show he made. You try making a show these days with 80% filler eps. and see how many fans you'll get.

Now that I've seen alot of other animes I know its not the most beautiful/best anime there is but I still haven't found one that had me so excited for the next ep. everytime for a couple of years. After the show was finished I was left with an empty feeling like I've lost something (4pm everyday was dragonballz time) so I went looking for more and found out about the rest of the anime world.

Messages In This Thread
Come Join The Dragon Ball Bashing Party - by Vile - 04-25-2004, 08:21 PM
Come Join The Dragon Ball Bashing Party - by Elcoholic - 04-26-2004, 03:03 AM

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