Quote:Originally posted by Vile
so someone else wrote the Qu'ran for him.
That's an entirely different topic altogether. I really don't feel like going into a religious history lesson. and being as you sound atheistic, you'd be skeptical of alot of it anyways.
The rest of your post . . . . too many big words. I'm too tired to do that much thinking right now.
Also, let me put up a disclaimer now. I am not exactly a poster child for Islam. I'm not a very good muslim as I'm sure alot of you aren't the best Christians, Jews, or whatever that you could be. I believe in it and try to practice it, but honestly it is hard to be a muslim in the US. It's hard to restrict yourself from having impure thoughts when there are half naked pictures of Pamela Anderson all over TV or girls in the mall wearing short shorts and bearing their midriffs and it's hard to pray five times a day when you have all these other things to do, among other things.
But I will try to do something since I opened my big mouth. It's easy for me to tell you guys to go learn about it and then ignore it and be like well I showed them. Tell you what. I'll talk to a religious friend of mine and see if he can get some free Qurans that have the English translations in them. Only so if someone wants to speak ill of the religion next time, they have proof about what it is based upon. I'm not lookng to convert anybody or anything like that. But to me it is a religious book, so if I send you one, please don't use it as a coaster or to even out that uneven chair at your dining room table. So if we have a deal, PM me your address and I'll see what I can do.