03-19-2004, 05:31 PM
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
There are good points about M$. I like the fact that they did bring online gaming to the mainstream. But on the other point I don't care for there business moves. Like buying the company that created Halo and the holding them back from letting halo loose on the PC market to further "X-box Live" sells in places like the UK. But what ever I use XP and not Apple.
On that note Schultz "Ninja Gaidan" is off the chain, hook, or ______ insert adj in blank.
Allright one Morg.. Online gaming has BEEN there for a long long time before Microsoft even tried it.. And truthfully its not going as hot as they would want it.. they are estimating (hoping) like 2 million subscribers by end of 2005.. Guess what.. there are alot more systems out there then this.. Its not as popular as you think.. wish i could find that article about why a guy thinks the gaming industry is going to collapse like it did in the early 80's
And yes Xbox2/Next what ever you want to call it won't have a Internal Harddrive.. and yes they have signed a deal with a memory outfit.. they also have signed a Deal with IBM to provide them with G5 power PC processors note the Xbox2/Next will have 4 Power PC processors.. will have a ATI graphics card and Developers have already been giving there SDK system so they can run it on Macs for development with a modified WinNT kernal to run on macs.. ;o)