03-12-2004, 01:49 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Schultz
yes we are very lienient on what goes on.. Except for what has happened recently.. From this site being up for almost 2 years i can probably count how many threads i have locked on both my hands.. and a majority of those where sub vs dub threads.. Which are all pointless because they are all opinion.. But it because's useless when someone posts to try and piss someone off to get them to post.. we don't need that here.. Good constructive arguements are fine even if they get heated up.
I think because you almost never locked any threads that we aren't used to having 3 in a row locked. Its just cool being on a forum with members whom moderate themselfs and that's what keeps alot of us comming back I think. And that's what Vicious was trying to do I think by telling him not to do 4 posts in a row so that this forum stays that way and you won't have to step in every time he did it.