Request to Mods - Let Them Work It Out
Well it's nice that HBK isn't getting the point to all those locks. Schultz and JJ both said...Hey you guys stop or we'll stop it for you. And no one stopped. Plus They both made this site so if they want to lock something they can. What's wrong with 2 guys making an argument stop on their site that they don't want deterring others from posting. We all get out of hand and they can stop us if they so desire. BOO HOO we can't cuss each other out over trivial stuff like why is AIM such reetee. BOO HOO everyone is complaining that these threads keep getting locked when in reality it's only one person. As a matter of fact I have respect for AIM because he's still here! And just because I don't like someone doesn't mean I'm gonna chew em out every chance I get. If you noticed I only bithced about AIM in the 2 threads I thought he was being a jerk in. He made a thread in Anime Discussion and I gave him my advice and that was after the one thread was locked. I can be an ass too but I don't let my arrogance get to me all the time. Sometimes it IS called for like in the Locked threads. BUT we all must realize that we are all arrogant. And if we cared about a thread getting locked we wouldn't have taken them so far. If we can't police ourselves then They sure as hell will. It's their site so in the words of Cartman..."QUIT YOUR BITCHIN'!!!!!"
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"

Messages In This Thread
Request to Mods - Let Them Work It Out - by DARK OSAMU - 03-11-2004, 10:57 PM
Request to Mods - Let Them Work It Out - by rav96 - 03-12-2004, 11:33 AM

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