MAC, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop...
here is my justification for buying hk's instead of r1 releases:

i try as hard as i can to not spend more than $20 on a single dvd. if a movie costs more than that, i just wait. i cannot support a movie company that is blatently trying to rip the consumer off. charging $19.99 for a single movie is already pushing it, and i usually only get those if it's like a special edition 2-disc or something. now that's for an entire move. when you go to the store looking for a dvd that only has a few episodes of a large series, and they try to sell it for $25-$30, that just crosses the line. that's far too much to pay for a single dvd that is often just the episodes, and a few previews of other anime. they better start packing a whole lot of extras on those if they want the consumer to feel like they got their money's worth.

i bought 7 out of 10 of the gundam wing dvd series [r1 release], and that all cost me about $175. now, i like gundam wing, but i think it's on the bottom of the 'good' scale when it comes to gundam. i then found the entire series on ebay for under $50! and that's not all; it came in a sleak gatefold case! it didn't have english dub, but i never liked the dub anyway. so i sold my lot of 7 dvd's for about $70 on ebay, and used the money to get the ac release of gundam wing. since then i have only bought 2 r1 gundam releases [ms gundam volume 1, and 08th ms team volume 1].

i felt cheated paying so much for a bare-bones dvd, when i could get the entire series for 1/4 the price. when bandai decides to stop robbing us blind with their prices, maybe then i'll consider 'giving back'

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MAC, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop... - by sharp896 - 08-31-2002, 08:58 AM

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