MAC, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop...
So why not spend the extra for the R1 releases which have great packaging and the best quality money can buy. Not to mention having a portion of your purchase price going back to the creators...

I'm going to say up front that I buy a lot of HK anime (just ask JunkieJoe) and I enjoy the wide variety available to me from FX, MI, MAC, AS, and the others out there.

Don't forget that what we're talking about here are stolen properties. We are accomplices to thieves. All those studios that put their time and money into making anime for us to watch are not getting anything back from us for their efforts beyond our admiration.

Arguing between FX and Mac is arguing between one thief and another. Neither of these companies own the rights for the videos they are selling so how can you say one is more right than the other.

Sorry about that... I'm getting preachy again.
There are lots of reasons why to buy HK DVDs even though we are taking money out of the pockets of the creators we love. I don't want to justify what we are all here about. I just want everyone to realize how hypocritical it is to say Mac is worse than FX because they rip FX's releases.

I for one like Mac releases because I can get them without having to pay duty when I buy them and they usually arrive within 48 hours of my ordering them. I thank FX for taking the time to put all the episodes on 3 or 4 discs (depending on which release you're looking at).
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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MAC, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop... - by Zagatto - 08-27-2002, 06:45 PM

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