what anime is everyone lookin forward to?
A second season for berserk would kick some major ass!! but highy doubtful, i guess ill just have to get manga translations because i doubt darkhorse will complete it thanx to american BS censors and soccer moms galore!!

i would love to see an english dubbed R1 of Amon apocalypse of devilman but i doubt anyone has enough balls to release it here, heh

as for hentai i just buy what interests me at the time or looks good for that matter. i wish nutech would put more than one lousy episode per dvd.

id also like to see violence jack re-released uncut.

some others i havent seen a dvd version of yet:

hanappe bazooka
shoten doji

as for anything new, well not much has got my attention in any shape or form.
It's all EVIL!!

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what anime is everyone lookin forward to? - by justin - 03-01-2004, 05:34 PM

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