02-28-2004, 11:48 AM
fx-anime.com is not the FX site, sinds there exist none...
The site redirect's to another shop that sell's FX dvd's ...
If your hopeing that the fx-anime.com will ever have his own FX real site ( instait of a redirect to that shop ), then you can hope that pig's learn how to fly This is a hope that people have for ... what? ... 1.5 years? trust me, Flora has no plan's for his own website sinds he doesent openly advertise his title's ...
FX sell's to resellers, shops, and a bit of direct customers, but they don't there own shop like animegod ...
So to answer that question again, NO, fx doesent have it's own site & no, that site does not contain all FX releases sinds they are watched by the R1 company's, who "instruct" them on regulair base to remove FX title's ...
The only complete list there exist, is on this site, where all the FX site's are reviewed, just like dvd_master pointed out ...
/Edit: kakomu beat me to it
The site redirect's to another shop that sell's FX dvd's ...
If your hopeing that the fx-anime.com will ever have his own FX real site ( instait of a redirect to that shop ), then you can hope that pig's learn how to fly This is a hope that people have for ... what? ... 1.5 years? trust me, Flora has no plan's for his own website sinds he doesent openly advertise his title's ...
FX sell's to resellers, shops, and a bit of direct customers, but they don't there own shop like animegod ...
So to answer that question again, NO, fx doesent have it's own site & no, that site does not contain all FX releases sinds they are watched by the R1 company's, who "instruct" them on regulair base to remove FX title's ...
The only complete list there exist, is on this site, where all the FX site's are reviewed, just like dvd_master pointed out ...
/Edit: kakomu beat me to it