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fx site? - Printable Version

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fx site? - NightRayne - 02-28-2004

is there a site that has all the releases for fx like has all the releases for AC MAC and animation

fx site? - dvd_master - 02-28-2004


And different titles by different companies are better. There isn't one 'best company'.

And if you want to see the quality of both sets, read the reviews first.

fx site? - kkun - 02-28-2004

Quote:Originally posted by NightRayne
is there a site that has all the releases for fx like has all the releases for AC MAC and animation

i think what nightrayne meant was "is there a homepage for FX? just like is the homepage for MAC"

actually i would like to know the answer as well

fx site? - Arcon - 02-28-2004

Like dvd_master said: NO!

fx site? - NightRayne - 02-28-2004

geez uptight eh bah it doesn't matter i figured as much one company wouldn't be the best thx anyway

fx site? - puzzleguy - 02-28-2004

their address will be ( not now- but this will be their address when their up and running- for the FX company )

fx site? - NightRayne - 02-28-2004

ah ha i knew there was a site i knew it thx so much pizza guy

fx site? - kakomu - 02-28-2004

there isn't a site, and I doubt there ever will be. FX-Anime is where Flora keeps the pictures of his DVDs. If you want to know the FX catalog, click on DVD Reviews and select all, then click on the drop down menu and select FX.

fx site? - Arcon - 02-28-2004 is not the FX site, sinds there exist none...

The site redirect's to another shop that sell's FX dvd's ...

If your hopeing that the will ever have his own FX real site ( instait of a redirect to that shop ), then you can hope that pig's learn how to fly Wink This is a hope that people have for ... what? ... 1.5 years? trust me, Flora has no plan's for his own website sinds he doesent openly advertise his title's ...

FX sell's to resellers, shops, and a bit of direct customers, but they don't there own shop like animegod ...

So to answer that question again, NO, fx doesent have it's own site & no, that site does not contain all FX releases sinds they are watched by the R1 company's, who "instruct" them on regulair base to remove FX title's ...

The only complete list there exist, is on this site, where all the FX site's are reviewed, just like dvd_master pointed out ...

/Edit: kakomu beat me to it Big Grin

fx site? - sanosuke - 02-28-2004

your best just figuring out what anime you want then checkin out what sets are available via the reviews section. thats what i do?

fx site? - puzzleguy - 02-28-2004

anime---cs are the folks that bought the address for Flora ,and its not up and running yet - your directed their for now- but at a latter date it will be FX's site ( wait and see if you dont believe me - not sure exactly when )- but I got this directly from Joesph at anime---cs , and hes a super guy !Smile

fx site? - Last Exile - 02-28-2004

each company needs to have a site so others if they wanted could sell like the owner of importanime does ! or also to provide a faster and easier way to get dvds.

thats what i think.

Flame on!


fx site? - kakomu - 02-29-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Last Exile
each company needs to have a site so others if they wanted could sell like the owner of importanime does ! or also to provide a faster and easier way to get dvds.

thats what i think.

Flame on!


the only company that sells directly is mac. The others only sell in bulk to vendors in China. companies like JJ's have to import it from wholesalers, like Flora.

fx site? - NightRayne - 02-29-2004

well i really appreciate all your imput on my question i really want to know alot more about this stuff

fx site? - Elcoholic - 03-01-2004

http://www.fx-anime has been redirecting people to that other site for atleast 1.5 years now. That's how I found out about them when I started searching for FX on the net. Don't think Fx will start selling online though, but you'll never know.