Help a new Convert decide (First post)
Hello all, I discovered this site yesterday after finding out about the whole HKDVD thing the day before Smile

First a bit about me:
I only really got into anime last year. I'm from the UK and I've been a cartoon fan all my life; growing up with things like Batman Animated series (fave), the various Marvel comics cartoons and wayyy back in the day on the likes of Transformers, He-man GI Joe and what have ya.

Concerned with the amount of really poor CGI "cartoons" with even poorer storylines being made in the US etc I began looking for traditional cel animation and anime came into my life.

Now I'm the first to admit I'm a n00b in this area, but I do learn quickly. I've mostly checked out shows in downloaded formats (because A I havent seen them and B the dvds are very expensive). I suppose you'd say I'm a standard convert from western cartoons in that I find the kids shows involving collecting something or other boring and repetitive. The things I've checked out thus far are the usual suspects:

Ghost in the Shell Movie (GREAT)
Ghost in the Shell SAC (fansub, good stuff)
Cowboy Bebop (This is the best thing yet seen for me)
Berserk (only a few episodes but good)
Ninja Scroll Movie (Great stylistic content)

So yeah, I was thinking of finally ordering something as its a pain in the backside using the video out from the PC to watch things. So I was going to order Bebop Series and Movie from this site. I've read about the postage and everything and done searches on the forum and read the reviews, yet I'm an anxious person by nature so bare with me Big Grin

Am I right in thinking that the FX box is the way to go with the series? The one on this site is the "remastered" one yeah? I've heard the MAC one is a total copy of it, is the artwork better and what other reasons is there to get that one?

As for the movie, the last two reviews of the FX version say that it is anamorphic widescreen and doesnt have any logo during the film (both of which are a MUST for me). That is the version I will get, can anyone else just confirm that?

If anyone wants to recommend some similar animes and/or some things to broaden my horizons a bit it would be great. Stylistically like the ones above and storylines like along existential lines. I've heard Serial Experiments Lain is good, but seen none of it.

Anyway, apologies for such a long post. Now that we know each other I can respond in monosyllables and feel comfortable in future Smile

Thanks a lot for any help, I hope to post here more often as this love affair grows... Smile

ps: no elitist posts please, I'm a hardcore fan of other artforms but always try to help newbies, we all were such at some point Smile

Messages In This Thread
Help a new Convert decide (First post) - by Filmbuffpaul - 02-28-2004, 08:17 AM
Help a new Convert decide (First post) - by rav96 - 03-01-2004, 11:13 AM
Help a new Convert decide (First post) - by rav96 - 03-03-2004, 02:40 PM
Help a new Convert decide (First post) - by rav96 - 03-16-2004, 02:59 PM
Help a new Convert decide (First post) - by rav96 - 03-17-2004, 03:44 PM
Help a new Convert decide (First post) - by rav96 - 03-17-2004, 03:59 PM
Help a new Convert decide (First post) - by rav96 - 03-17-2004, 04:13 PM

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