Angel Cancelled
Well I wasn't sure where to put this, but I figure this is General babble so anything goes. Recently one of the only television shows that I actually give a rat's ass about has been cancelled. Angel has proven time and time again that it is one of the "smartest" shows on televison. Witty writing, great characters, and wonderful storylines make Angel a breath of fresh air.

So I ask for your help if you have ever seen the show and enjoy it give this petion a quick signature. I guess we can turn this thread into a discussion about the show (that is if any of you actually enjoy it). Thanks guys!

Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the online petition:

"Save ANGEL the television series"

hosted on the web by, the free online petition
service, at:

I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might
agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider
signing yourself.

Best wishes,

Shane Corson
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Messages In This Thread
Angel Cancelled - by kakoi_sugoi_yama - 02-26-2004, 09:27 PM
Angel Cancelled - by kakoi_sugoi_yama - 02-27-2004, 11:26 PM
Angel Cancelled - by Shinn Asuka - 02-27-2004, 11:51 PM
Angel Cancelled - by kakoi_sugoi_yama - 02-27-2004, 11:56 PM
Angel Cancelled - by Last Exile - 02-28-2004, 12:13 AM
Angel Cancelled - by kakoi_sugoi_yama - 02-28-2004, 12:28 AM
Angel Cancelled - by Terrex - 02-28-2004, 02:04 AM
Angel Cancelled - by kakoi_sugoi_yama - 02-28-2004, 04:26 AM
Angel Cancelled - by Kaos - 02-28-2004, 08:17 PM
Angel Cancelled - by DARK OSAMU - 02-28-2004, 09:48 PM

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