Lupin video game release
OK... so it's a little annoying that you aren't given the choice of Japanese dub... I don't care about that too much.

What I do care about is that I can't figure out the first damned puzzle.
I'm stuck in a room on the train with a bunch of statues, the pitcher and a nonworking control panel. I'm guessing that there has to be some way to turn on the control panel but I haven't been able to find a card key to turn it on with and I'm unable to move any of the statues. Touching the pitcher just fries me so I'm getting pissed off here.

Any help would be appreciated.

btw... I typically hate this type of game. I'd much rather have something with speed or puzzles that require thought and not just searching to find a clue (ICO was awesome).
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

Messages In This Thread
Lupin video game release - by Zagatto - 02-05-2004, 11:10 PM
Lupin video game release - by TeaganNash - 02-09-2004, 10:26 AM
Lupin video game release - by xzafixz - 02-15-2004, 09:47 AM
Lupin video game release - by Zagatto - 02-15-2004, 12:37 PM
Lupin video game release - by kakoi_sugoi_yama - 02-15-2004, 02:44 PM
Lupin video game release - by xzafixz - 02-15-2004, 09:34 PM
Lupin video game release - by kakoi_sugoi_yama - 02-16-2004, 02:55 AM
Lupin video game release - by Zagatto - 02-17-2004, 07:41 PM
Lupin video game release - by killua-kun - 02-18-2004, 01:58 PM
Lupin video game release - by killua-kun - 02-18-2004, 02:04 PM
Lupin video game release - by killua-kun - 02-18-2004, 02:07 PM
Lupin video game release - by sanosuke - 02-23-2004, 04:30 PM
Lupin video game release - by Zagatto - 02-26-2004, 12:24 PM

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