02-17-2004, 11:17 AM
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
at least someone will freely admit that IE is faster than mozilla. The other people that try and convince everyone to use mozilla swear up and down that mozilla is supposedly a million times faster than IE or some other BS like that.
how can you get around it when everything is loaded in the OS already. If you don't belive me for that fact open explorer.. and in the address bar type a url.. boom its now rendering a internet page.. because its all integrated and already loading.. But with rendering pages there are alot of different method.. On this site i use gzip encoding when possible.. which basically means is the page won't render until the browser gets all the data and then starts rendering it.. Other sites will just start sending out data as its avaiable and renders it as it comes avaiable.. To those sites it gives an Appearance that the sites are faster because you see an initial page before the other.
But the thing that i hate about IE is its buggyness , Security Flaws, and general lack of standards support.. and all those stupid Browser Helper Objects that appear and collect data on your browsing.. thank god for Ad-Aware. I also am going to look at writing some features that might be mozilla/firefix only because of how you can work with them.. a perfect example for those that have firefox http://mab.mozdev.org/
its a browser for books at amazon but uses a Program interface and can be launched from the web.. which i could do something like that for searching reviews / posting reviews and general admin stuff..
Also with computers now adays.. whats a few seconds of time for something to load.. it isn't a matter of the old Pentium 200 days and 16 megs of ram..