Hello! Looking for manga recommendations
My all time favourite manga is Sanctuary. Unfortunately both the live action movie and the anime based on the manga are utter crap. If you want a real treat set in the modern days that has action romance and the strength of friendship then I highly recommend Sanctuary.

I also have the complete run of Lone Wolf and Cub which is worth reading but you have to have at least a small interest in historical Japan to fully appreciate it.

The manga of Akira is much richer than the movie. There is a major diversion in the story between the two as well. The movie was more inspired by the manga than based on it (if you want to make that disinction).

Mai the Psychic Girl is another classic that should be on everyones must read list. I know that Tim Burton bought the movie rights to it over a decade ago but I'm not sure what's happening with it these days.

Nausicaa is one of my favourite movies and I didn't think it was possible for the manga to be better. But it is. The manga has more religious overtones and spends more time developing everything. Best of all, it's both written and illustrated by Miyazaki himself (someone please correct me on this if my memory is wrong).

I should write about other great titles when I'm not supposed to be working...
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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Hello! Looking for manga recommendations - by Zagatto - 12-23-2003, 09:41 AM

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