12-10-2003, 07:26 PM
what made me think Arjuna was so crappy was that a lot of the environmental preaching was made up. THe old man in the organic farm was trying to tell the kids that weeds and bugs aren't harmful to plants. However, there's a reason why locusts are considered a plague, and I've seen weeds overtake and kill trees, let alone crops. It's trying to make you feel guilty with fictitious info (such as that bugs only eat the "bad" parts of plants...what is a "bad" part of the plant? I thought the bad parts were the dead parts...). Then it tries to make you feel sorry that bugs are dying at the hands of pesticides. Proponents of organically grown foods over foods sprayed with pesticides make their case that pesticides can be harmful to humans in a long run, not some stupid "save the bugs" campaign.
on top of that, those of us who hate Arjuna seem to be in a minority. If you use the search keys "ARjuna" and "search" the majority of the results are reviews praising the crappy anime.
on top of that, those of us who hate Arjuna seem to be in a minority. If you use the search keys "ARjuna" and "search" the majority of the results are reviews praising the crappy anime.