Hello! Looking for manga recommendations
I didn't like Nausicaa at all. Though I can't reccomend Kodocha enough, it's on my top 2 list without a doubt.

A hugely popular title is X-day, which is only 2 volumes long and released by Tokyopop. Everyone I know (plus everyone at AnimeonDVD) really really enjoyed it, and it's no wonder why.... it was VERY good.

Last, Kindaichi. Murder mysteries are everywhere, but never carried out well. Kindaichi takes them to the next level, and is definantly worthy of you check out one volume! (each manga volume is one complete case, so you can buy out of order, but you should start from volume 1 : The Opera House Murders)

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Hello! Looking for manga recommendations - by dvd_master - 12-06-2003, 09:00 PM

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