How long does shipping take?
He claims he's happy, but has to keep reminding himself not to be a nerd again. And to be popular he has to date people that judges by how you are, & not who you are. I remember back when he used to call me gay, & I would tell him, that him & all his friends were gay, & his reason they weren't gay & I had to be was because they had girl friends. Which is a real great excuse considering he loved all his girl friens he's had, you know the first one he broke up with 3 times or more. Another that I think after he broke up with his best friens went out with her, & then he did again, & now he's supposivly found the girl for her (yes I like to call him a girl.) I guess he still watches DBZ considering he claims he can rip off my arm, yet he can't beat me at arm westling (we tied).
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

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How long does shipping take? - by Batz Kage - 09-05-2002, 05:28 PM

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